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4 ℃ Blood Bank Refrigerator

We manufacture excellent quality refrigerators with microprocessor-based temperature controller. Depending upon the temperature we offer blood bank refrigerators and medical refrigerators. We provide our clients best products and services to suit their requirements.

Blood Bank Refrigerator LBBR-A11

Capacity 170 L
Cabinet type Upright
Temperature setting 2 to 6°C

Blood Bank Refrigerator LBBR-A12

Capacity 268 L
Cabinet type Upright
Temperature setting 2 to 6°C

Blood Bank Refrigerator LBBR-A14

Capacity 618 L
Cabinet type Upright
Temperature setting 2 to 6°C
Blood Bank Refrigerator LBBR-A20
Capacity 108 L
Cabinet type Upright
Temperature setting 4 ± 1°C
Blood Bank Refrigerator LBBR-A21
Capacity 1008 L
Cabinet type Upright
Temperature setting 4 ± 1°C

Blood Bank Refrigerator LBBR-A30

Capacity 200 pcs of 450 ml bag
Temperature Range + 2 to + 8°C
Set Point + 4°C