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Thermo Shaker Incubator

It integrates mixing and shaking with intelligent operation. It not only can mix various micro volume tube, PCR plate, deep hole plate and micro plate and other common laboratory supplies, but also vortex all kinds of tubes. The unique design principle which combines mixing and shaking with intelligent control makes it operation simpler, safe, and convenient.

Thermo Shaker Incubator LTSI-A10

Shaking Speed 300 - 3000 rpm (10 rpm step)
Shaking Orbit 3 mm
Vortex Shaking Speed 3500 rpm

Thermo Shaker Incubator LTSI-A11

Shaking Speed 300 - 2000 rpm
Shaking Orbit 3 mm
Vortex Shaking Speed None

Thermo Shaker Incubator LTSI-A12

Shaking Speed 300 -1500 rpm
Shaking Orbit 3 mm
Vortex Shaking Speed None
Thermo Shaker Incubator LTSI-A13
Shaking Speed 300 -1200 rpm
Shaking Orbit 2 mm
Vortex Shaking Speed None