Handheld UV Analyzer LHUA-A10

Handheld UV Analyzer LHUA-A10 is compact design, simple operation, one-key switch unit. It offers 254 nm, 365 nm combine wavelength and 150 × 50 mm UV window. Equipped with battery, can used for a long time without electricity. It is used for detection of nucleic acid dye, such as Ethidium bromide, Acridine orange, in fluorescence dyes.

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Wavelength 254 nm, 365 nm Combine
UV Window 150 × 50 mm
Dimension 440 × 75 × 51 mm
Power consumption 6 W
Power supply DC 12.6 V Lithium battery charger
Net weight 0.7 kg
  • Designed with compact design, simple operation, one-key switch the wavelength
  • Offers lamp wavelength 365 nm or 254 nm, long life
  • Equipped with battery, can used for a long time without electricity
  • Adopts H-type stand for optional to fix the unit
  • It can adjust height and angle

Handheld UV Analyzer used for detection of nucleic acid dye, such as Ethidium bromide, Acridine orange, in fluorescence dyes. The handheld UV analyzer is widely used for nucleic acid testing (observe fluorescence) in many industries including molecular biology, biological chemistry, medical science, forensic autopsy examination as well as biological agent.

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